Thursday, February 19, 2009

All The Creatures of the World

I think that you would be amazed to know how plastics are impacting our oceans and animal life that lives within it.  Humans are currently a species that as a whole are unaware of the circumstances that our consumer based behavior is having on the rest of the parts of the world.

Education to raise the awareness of the global crisis is the start. 

Most of the products that we purchase today are made or packaged in plastic.  Where does this plastic go once we are done with it?  Some of it makes it to the landfills where it pile up for the next billion years (it doesn't disintegrate), while other pieces end up finding their way down sewers, to streams and river and then end up in the ocean.  Since these plastic bottles and plastic bits float, and do not sink to the bottom of the ocean, they remain in the water indefinitely.  they float and  slowly break down into very small pieces. These pieces concentrate in the oceans, through the action of the normal currents. 

In the North Pacific Guyer, an area in the ocean near the USA and Canada now covers an area 4 times the size of Texas.  Not that is huge.  It is a huge swirling trash soup with plastic bits.

And why does this matter? Some plastic floating in the ocean, what harm can that cause?

Well, what it is doing is displacing the plankton in the water.  Plankton are tiny plants and animals that form the basis of the food chain in our oceans.  There are six times more plastic in these areas than the plankton.  These little pieces of plastic are being eaten by the next little creatures, which then become starved for food and expire. 

Sea birds are picking up plastic as it mimics their food and gets stuck in their digestive tract and they die.  Larger animals are finding it harder and harder to get nourishment.  Studies on plankton eating sea mammals are now just coming out and massive impacts to plankton eating whales have just been reported.  We expect a crash in the fisheries from not just over-fishing, but from the replacement of the food chain with bits of plastic.

The oceans and its sea life are critical to the whole picture of our existence.  We all need each other for earth to be in harmony.  Here are some amazing shots of other forms of life that we share the planet with taken by Sandra Critelli while on vacation near the Yucatan Peninsula. 

"Mass Migration of Stingrays:  Looking like giant leaves floating in the sea, thousands of Golden Rays are seen here gathering off the coast of Mexico.  The spectacular scene was captured as the 
magnificent creatures made one of their biannual mass migrations to more agreeable waters. Gliding silently beneath the waves, they turned vast areas of blue water to gold off the norther 
tip of the Yucatan Peninsula.  Sandra Critelli describes the experience, "It was an unreal image, very difficult to describe.  The surface of the water was covered by warm and different shades of gold and looked like a bed of autumn leaves gently moved by the wind. 

It's hard to say how many there were, but in the range of a few thousand. We were surrounded by them without seeing the edge of the school and we could see many under the water surface too.
I feel very fortunate I was there in the right place at the right time to experience nature at its best.  Measuring up to 7ft from wing-tip, Golden rays are also more prosaically known as cow nose rays.                                                                      
They have long, pointed pectoral fins that separate into two lobes in from of their high-dommed heads and give them a cow-like appearance.  Despite having poisonous stingers, they are known to be shy and non-threatening when in large schools.  The population in the Gulf of Mexico migrates, in shcools of as many as 10,000, clockwise from western 
Florida to the Yucatan."  

I am pretty sure that you will agree that these creatures are spectacular as are many of the species in the ocean.  The time to act is NOW.  

You can make a difference by:

-Limiting the plastics that you purchase. 
-Recycling all plastics possible. 
-Eliminating the #1 contaminant - bottled water - by purchasing a Kangen Water Unit

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why Kangen Water is better!

1. Medical grade piece of equipment, not a kitchen appliance. It is
built to last with a 5 year warranty.

2. The SD501 has 17 certifications. That really speaks to the quality
of the water and of the machine. The other machines do not have these certifications.

3. The SD501 is the only machine on the market that is UL listed,
meaning that is has passed all of the government regulations and inspections.

4. Many of the competitior's machines do not cover hard water or have
use disclaimers that are in the very fine print.

5. The competitor machines do not make 2.5 pH or the 11.5, which is
used for killing E. Coli and Salmonella and used to remove herbicides and pesticides. The pH must go as low as 2.5 in order to actually kill these bacteria. Many of the competitor brands make false claims that they make the same kind of water as the Enagic machines and they do not actually make low enough acidic water to kill the bacteria. 3.0 doesn't do it.

6. Another thing that the competitors fail to mention is that some of
the machines cost $1000/plate to repair. When they are sprayed they are NOT durable and will bend and break.

7. The amount of water that the machines can produce is another huge
difference. Many of the other machines on the market, cannot produce more than 2 gallons per day.

8. The number and size of the plates matters because of surface area and the amount of anti-oxidants that are produced.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Prescriptions are over taking Health

Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs

This is an amazing book!

"America has truly become the world’s greatest medicine show."

The book talks about how a drug effective for stopping the parasitic infection from the tsetse fly, which women and children in Africa get from fly bites while collecting water. The book mentions that the drug was not profitable for that purpose, but is very profitable removing unwanted hair from the upper lip of American women. So the drug company repurposed the drug and no it is on drug store shelves. There needs to be anew model for taking care of the world, help us find and implement that model.

The drug companies take these drugs and spin them into the best profit centers possible. Some doctors fly around the world on vacations paid for by the drug company’s money. It really is the case of the hammer being used as a screw driver. So if you are not familiar with that saying, people tend to use the tools at hand, for example using a hammer to drive a screw into to wood instead of using a screw driver. It means that if a doctor has a drug that is reported to cure facial hair, here you go. Maybe facial hair is not needing drug treatment?

How many people take drugs for simple things that can be relieved by drinking enough clean powerful water? How many people take insulin instead of losing 45 pounds of weight?

The list goes on and on. We as Americans would rather take a pill than take care of our own health. The drug companies and doctors prescribe hundreds of millions of dollars of drugs every week and never considering the true issues behind the illnesses. And us as patients tend to eat those pills right up. It is easier to take a pill than to look out for one’s self.

I say lets end this dependence on drugs, take back our health and our health care. Eat right, drink pure clean powerful water. Make healthy choices and get some good rest. Laugh, play, and smile.

Take care of yourself and always ask yourself do I really need to take this prescription or is there a healthy lifestyle alternative, then ask your doctor the same thing.