Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Impacts of Chlorine on the Body

Environmental Protection Agency logoImage via Wikipedia

What Experts Say About Chlorine In Tap Water

“Known carcinogens are found in drinking water as a direct consequence of the practice of chlorination”

“Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”

“Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it prevented epidemics of one disease, it was creating another. Two decades ago, after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the present epidemic of heart trouble, cancer and senility began.”

“The National Academy of Sciences estimate that 200-1000 people die in the United States each year from cancers caused by ingesting the contaminants in water.”

“Drinking tap water that is chlorinated is hazardous if not deadly to your health.”

“The cause of arteriosclerosis and resulting heart attacks and strokes is none other than the ubiquitous chlorine in our drinking water.”

“Chlorine gas was used despicably during WWI. When the war was over, the use of chlorine was diverted to poisoning the germs in our drinking water. All water supplies throughout the country were chlorinated. The combination of chlorine and animal fats results in arteriosclerosis, heart attacks and death.”

“48-49 states are filing to adequately enforce existing drinking water regulations.”

Extend your life by 20 years or more.... (part 1)

WARNING: Tap Water is dangerous, do NOT consume!

Is Bottled Water an option?
Lab tests on 10 brands of bottled water detected 38 chemicals including bacteria, caffeine, the pain reliever acetaminophen, fertilizer, solvents, plastic-making chemicals and the radioactive element strontium. Though some probably came from tap water that some companies use for their bottled water, other contaminants probably leached from plastic bottles, the researchers said.

WARNING: Bottled Water is dangerous, do NOT consume.

A Solution!!!!

KangenTM Water units start at ONLY $1280.
The average American spends $1500 a year on bottled water, save MONEY now and drink KangenTM Water.
The highest quality alkaline, hexagonal, anti-oxidant drinking water on the planet!

Shower units also available.

Take control of your health.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

BPA in Baby Food, or STOP the Poison

PolycarbonateImage via Wikipedia

Bisphenol A traces found in baby food: Health Canada
Last Updated: Friday, July 10, 2009 11:04 AM ET Com
CBC News
Health Canada says it has found bisphenol A in baby foods sold in glass jars with metal lids but says the level is "extremely low and poses no health or safety concerns."
The department found that among the products it tested where bisphenol A could be quantified, about 70 per cent had levels of less than one part per billion. That's well below the limit of 600 parts per billion set by a directive for bisphenol A (BPA) in food.
In a survey posted on its website Thursday, Health Canada also said its testing found low levels in some 18.5-litre polycarbonate bottles of drinking water.

BPA is used to make epoxy resins in the protective linings on the inside of metal lids and containers. The linings prevent corrosion of the metal and contamination.
The chemical also makes plastic hard and shatterproof and is found in water bottles, as well as consumer products like CDs. Studies have shown the chemical can imitate the female hormone estrogen, and it has been linked to cancer and infertility in animals.
Health Canada's findings covered 122 baby foods prepackaged in glass jars with metal lids, representing seven brands by six different companies. The baby food was bought in Ottawa last August.

The bottled water testing included samples of 54 different products representing 21 brands by 16 companies. They were bought in Ottawa stores in April 2008. The containers were made of metal, glass, high-density polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polycarbonate.

Levels of BPA from the non-polycarbonate water products were below the "method detection limit" of 0.5 parts per billion. But bisphenol A was detected in 13 of 17 samples from four of the five polycarbonate bottled water products. Concentrations ranged from 0.5 to a high of 8.82 parts per billion, with an average of 1.5 parts per billion.

"Since migration of BPA from [polycarbonate] containers into water at room temperature is very slow, it is likely that the products with higher BPA were exposed to heat (e.g., under the sun) during storage and/or transportation," the report said.

In a release issued by the Canadian Bottled Water Association on Thursday, executive director Elizabeth Griswold said the Health Canada study is "both validation and vindication."
"It clearly demonstrates that bottled water is a safe, healthy and portable alternative to other beverages," Griswold said.

Yeah right.

In October 2008, Canada became the first country in the world to ban the import and sale of polycarbonate baby bottles containing BPA, saying infants were more vulnerable than adults to such chemicals. The federal government also announced it would devote $1.7 million over three years to study the chemical. Health Canada's ongoing evaluation of bisphenol A has included a review of human and animal studies around the world, in addition to research into how much of the chemical is leaching from consumer products. The findings released Thursday are part of that research.

In March, Health Canada released a study of canned pop that found the vast majority of the drinks contain BPA...

With files from The Canadian Press

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Clean Water" and "It Cleans It"

My MedicationImage by spike55151 via Flickr

There is a difference in "clean water" and "clean" when using the Kangen Water machine.

The green button that says "clean water" and has 7.0 pH written on it is 7.0 pH water. The "clean water" is dispensed through the top flexible hose. This water has been through the cleaning filter portion of the system but it has not gone through the electrolysis process. This water is used when you are taking medications, for watering small animals, and mixing baby formula. The Kangen water (8.5-9.5 pH) is hexagonal and because of that structure, it absorbs into your cells much quicker than other types of water. Medications are not created for this absorption rate. They are created for normal tap water. Most vitamins are fine with the higher pH waters since you want them to absorb quickly. That way you are receiving the maximum benefit before you urinate them out. However, if you were to use it with Niacin, it is going to hit your system much quicker and could be quite uncomfortable creating an intense flush. Same would be the case for blood pressure medicine, etc. So you can see why you would want to use "Clean water 7.0" for taking medications. Be on the safe side.

When taking prescription medications: discontinue drinking the Kangen Water (8.5-9.5 pH) 10-15 minutes prior to taking medication, use the Clean water (7.0 pH) to take your prescriptions, then give yourself at least 30 minutes before resuming drinking the Kangen Water (8.5 pH to 9.5 pH).

It is also suggested that if you feel the need to drink water with a meal and the meal contains a concentrated protein, like animal products, that you consume Clean water (7.0 pH) rather than Kangen water (8.5-9.5 pH) with that meal. However, Dr. Shinya's book the Enzyme Factor suggests that you refrain from drinking water at all during meals and 1 hour prior to meals. He says that it helps with enzymes and digestion.

Then you asked about when the machine says "it cleans it". This is actually a cleaning cycle for the machine. After a certain amount of water has run through the machine, it automatically cleans the system. Just turn the water on and allow it to run until the machine says the water type that the button is on. For example, let's say you have the button on 9.5pH, turn the water on and you reach out to put some water into a container, the machine says "it cleans it". You should allow the machine to run water into the sink until it says "Kangen Water 9.5", then you can put your container under the facet and fill it.

After making Strong Acidic Water (2.5 pH), your machine will run a clean cycle also. Just set the button on the type of drinking water you want, turn on the faucet and let it run through the cycle. It will let you know when the type of water you selected is flowing through the nozzle.

Hope this clears up some questions about features on the SD501 Water System.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

The environmental toll of plastics

Bridges of New WestminsterImage by janusz l via Flickr

The environmental toll of plastics

From cell phones and computers to bicycle helmets and hospital IV bags, plastic has molded society in many ways that make life both easier and safer. But the synthetic material also has left harmful imprints on the environment and perhaps human health, according to a new compilation of articles authored by more than 60 scientists from around the world.

Evidence is mounting that the chemical building blocks that make plastics so versatile are the same components that might harm people and the environment. And its production and disposal contribute to an array of environmental problems, too. Green solutions, however, are becoming available, the scientists say.

By Jessica A. KnoblauchEnvironmental Health NewsJuly 2, 2009
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Staying hydrated

Patience Is The Best Remedy For Every TroubleImage by stage88 via Flickr

Staying hydrated

One should not rely on being thirsty to indicate when we should drink water. It just is not a good idea to use thirst alone as a guide for when to drink Kangen water. Once the body becomes dehydrated , that is the signal for your body to be thirsty. By the time you become thirsty, it's true and clear that you are already slightly dehydrated. Also, be alert that as you are more often dehydrated the sensation of thirst is also diminished, and as we get older the body is less able to sense dehydration, and then send your brain signals of thirst . .

To prevent dehydration and be healthy make sure your body has the fluids it needs, make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following:

§ Drink a liter of Kangen water about 45 minutes before each meal. And if you can hold off on drinking more water afterwards until the food has passed from the stomach, this is to allow digestion to occur completely. I know when this happens you might not be aware so 20 minutes is usually good.

§ Drink Kangen water before, during and after exercise. You can check your total body weight loss if you want to be technical about the re hydration you need after exercise. If you are this accurate we can suggest some sports trainers and nutritionist to work with you.

§ Substitute Kangen water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings. Or at least drink one glass of Kangen water in between any alcoholic beverages. Also a small dash of Kangen water in wine will make it more smooth and decrease the acidity. Ask us about Kangen Ice wow! This is great! I can make a whole bunch of Kangen ice for this 4th of July weekend, drinks and everything is better!

If you drink water from a glass bottle, thoroughly clean the bottle often at least every other day, rinse with 2.5 pH water. If you want my bottle suggestions please send an e-mail...

If you're concerned about your fluid intake, check with your doctor or a registered dietitian. Caution however that if you are excessively thirsty and experience dramatically increased urination, these might be signs of a more serious medical condition.